An INDIA wave sweeping India!

An INDIA wave sweeping India!

We are in the midst of a historic election! It is indeed heartening to see the Congress, led by Hon’ble Congress President Shri Mallikarjun Kharge, former Congress President Shri Rahul Gandhi ji and all the leaders and candidates campaigning with all their might. The Congress workers are enthused and brimming with energy and confidence and they take the 5 Nyays to the voters. The INDIA alliance, united under the leadership of the Congress is fighting a spirited battle. But most important, with every phase of polling, the mood of the Nation is becoming clearer. India is yearning for change and freedom from Modi ji’s 10-years of oppression, dictatorship and arrogance. Indian’s across the country have made these elections their own, it is they who are leading the fight against the BJP and NDA candidates.

Modi ji can see the writing on the wall. He has sensed the anger of the people against him and is in complete panic. A sure sign of this is his changing language as the election has progressed. When the elections began, he was spouting Jumals about his development visions. But as he sensed the election slipping from his hands, he returned to his standard line of hate, division, and fear. His speeches are now full of poisonous communal rhetoric, religious polarization and fear-mongering. This is a sure sign that he is now desperate.

But he is too late. The Indian people now know Modi ji very well. They understand his hunger for power and his willingness to spread lies and hate to cling to power. They will not fall into his nefarious plans this time. They will come out and with their votes, reject Modi’s agenda of fear and instead, embrace the Congress’ message of love, peace and progress.

A new dawn is just a few weeks away.

Jai Congress. Jai Hind. Jai Jagat.