“One Nation One Election” = One Modi, Many Jumlas

“One Nation One Election” = One Modi, Many Jumlas

The Modi administration is under attack from every direction. They have done a record number of U-turns in the last 100 days. They are being pulled up by the Supreme Court on a number of issues. They are facing intense internal dissent from their own workers in several states. There is intense anger against them in both Jammu and Kashmir and the latest reports are that in several places in Haryana, BJP candidates have been banned from entering villages and campaigning. The blind panic and loss of self-confidence at the top of their structure, is now trickling down to their leaders and workers. Some of these goons have even resorted to threatening Shri Rahul Gandhi. In their desperation, Modi ji, RSS, and the BJP are showing their true colors.

Politically, they have gone back to their strategy of meaningless Jumals designed only to distract the Country from the real issues of today. There is no talk of unemployment, farmer distress, slowing industrial growth, violence against women, growing poverty and inequality, and continuing marginalization of SCs and STs. Instead, they want to talk about a fantasy called ‘One nation, One Election’. How will they create a common election date for states whose scheduled election dates vary by up to 4 years? How will they continue keeping all the states synchronized if any state government is dissolved before their full term? The last Lok Sabha election was already a mega election spread over multiple phases over 2 months. Do we have the manpower and security to conduct the Vidhan Sabha elections for every state at the same time? How many phases and how many months will such an election be spread over? Finally, if common elections are such a good idea, why were the elections for Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand and Maharashtra not implemented together?

The Modi Government has no answers to any of these questions because their interest is not implementing ‘One Nation, One Election’. Their interest is in occupying the Country in a discussion about meaningless ideas so that we never have time to discuss real issues. These ‘Jumlas’ of Modi ji will no longer work. We will keep pushing on issues that matter to the people of India and hold this government to account.

Jai Congress. Jai Hind. Jai Jagat.