Bharat Ratna Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi is a personality whose memory enlightens us and illuminates our way. Shri Rajiv Gandhi made meaningful efforts to take India forward on the path of rapid progress. Shri Rajiv Gandhi played a special role in making India a modern, prosperous and strong nation. Shri Rajiv Gandhi was a visionary politician who gifted India its present space in the world today in the field of information technology. That is why, he is rightly called the ‘Father of Information Technology’ in India.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi was a true democrat. He was a man who always welcomed new ideas and constructive criticism. Whatever role he played as a Member of Parliament, Prime Minister, Congress President and Leader of the Opposition, he discharged his responsibilities with dedication; in the best interest of the nation.
Today, when communalism is taking roots in the country, it is very important to underline that Shri Rajiv Gandhi’s stand against communalism was crystal clear. Shri Rajiv Gandhi believed that creating a rift between people under the guise of sectarianism and religion is the biggest evil. These forces do not have any programme to solve the economic questions of the country. To eradicate the country’s poverty, hunger and unemployment, it is necessary that there should be an atmosphere of peace and harmony in the country.
Listening to everyone and taking everyone along was the biggest feature of Shri Rajiv Gandhi’s personality. He used to observe and listen to the problems of the common people meticulously and then work to solve them by giving the right guidelines. This was his modus operandi. Shri Rajiv Gandhi never indulged in politics of revenge or hatred.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi was in favour of continuous dialogue in politics. He believed that trust cannot be created without dialogue and politics cannot work without trust. By implementing this politics of mutual dialogue, he signed agreements on Punjab, Assam and Mizoram, due to which the upheavals, unrest and violent activities going on for years in these states came to an end and thousands of separatists joined the mainstream of the society.
Today, Shri Rajiv Gandhi is remembered with great affection when we see that Manipur is burning. Manipur’s tragedy is not that it is burning. Its real tragedy is that it is being deliberately burnt. People are dying in Manipur. Thousands of people have been rendered homeless. The dignity of women is being looted. But no one is ready to talk or listen. The Central Government is unable to take any effective step to stop the violence in Manipur. In the case of Manipur violence, what is being done is - evasiveness and pretentious rhetoric. The Prime Minister is keeping silent and his attitude is just like - ‘Rome is burning and Nero is playing flute.’
Shri Rajiv Gandhi knew perfectly well that women play an important role in building any social system. He also said that whether it is at home or workplace, the contribution of women has never been less than men, adequate opportunities for education and employment are not being provided to women. Shri Rajiv Gandhi made unprecedented efforts towards women empowerment. He implemented many schemes to give rights to women and ensured 33 percent reservation for women in panchayats and urban bodies.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi envisioned India’s future in its youth. He had so much faith in the youth power of India that he reduced the eligibility age for Universal Adult Franchise from 21 years to 18 years. He believed that when the youth become entitled to property at the age of 18, it is not right to deprive them of the ‘Right to Vote’. Due to this right, youth are making important contribution in democracy today. The way he brought forward the newcomers and the younger generation is a testimony to his broad-mindedness, determination and commitment.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi had genuine sympathy for the poor and wanted to establish a society in which everyone could live his/her life equally with self-respect. He envisioned prosperity for every Indian poor. Since his entry into public life, he had made incessant visits to various places in the country, especially the rural areas. The villages of India were seen as the ‘Soul of India’.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi wanted that the money allotted for the development of the village should directly reach the panchayats of the village and the direction of development in the village should be decided jointly by the villagers. Shri Rajiv Gandhi connected the public directly with the programmes of development and ensured the Panchayat Raj System by decentralizing power.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi strongly believed that farmers are the backbone of our country. The progress of the country is not possible without the progress of agriculture. Shri Rajiv Gandhi made a provision for more capital investment in agriculture in the Seventh Five Year Plan. He emphasized on better use of water resources to increase productivity in agriculture, as a result of which, there was a record production of food grains during his Prime Ministership. Shri Rajiv Gandhi reviewed the Green Revolution and found that the production of wheat has increased a lot due to the Green Revolution, but there has not been expected improvement in the area of oilseeds and pulses. He created the Oilseed Technology Mission to increase the production of oilseeds and launched a National Project for Pulses.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi has laid the foundation stone of the ‘Digital India’ which is being talked about all over the country today. He conch shelled the communication revolution and he became the ‘Father of Computer Revolution’ in the country. Shri Rajiv Gandhi believed that the future of India lay in science and technology. He had envisioned a progressive India, which could be improved only through information technology. Our technology has not only been accepted even by so-called developed nations, but its high quality has been appreciated globally. Apart from this, he promoted new programmes in the fields of biotechnology, atomic energy, environment etc. and formed various technology missions for progress in drinking water, food, telecommunication, agriculture and industrial sectors.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi always gave top-most priority to the strengthening and expansion of the Congress organization. Direct communication with the public and strengthening of the organization was his mission. Shri Rajiv Gandhi wanted to see Congress as a mass movement. Shri Rajiv Gandhi had said that we have to revive our traditions of fighting for the rights of the poor and downtrodden. Only by doing this, we will be able to get the strength to build ‘India’ of our ‘dreams’.
Shri Rajiv Gandhi had said that the Congress is a mirror of India’s diversity. It represents Indian ‘Unity in Diversity’. Congress respects all Indians irrespective of caste, religion, language and region. Congress is the only political party which believes that social unity is indispensable for the development of the country. A divided India can neither progress nor prosper. Shri Rajiv Gandhi always believed in taking everyone along and communicating with everyone. Today, under the leadership of his son and Congress leader Shri Rahul Gandhi, the way the Congress Party along with the opposition parties has formed a new alliance ‘INDIA’, is in line with the political vision and spirit of Shri Rajiv Gandhiji. This ‘INDIA’ is the coming together of political parties having similar views and considering constitutional values as the ideal of politics and governing the country according to the basic spirit of the Constitution; by defeating in a democratic way the forces that divide the country.
Keeping the memory of Shri Rajiv Gandhiji alive will be a great tribute to the dream he had for the ‘Navnirman’ of a ‘New India’. During his Prime Ministership, he started the ‘Vision 2020’ programme, which is a reflection of his foresight. While remembering the virtues of Shri Rajiv Gandhi, we have to remember his resolve for India. His inspirational call was ‘Come, let us build an India, which is proud of its independence, which is fully capable of protecting its independence,’ which is strong, self-sufficient in agriculture and modern industries, which rises above the narrow feelings of caste, religion and region and is inspired by the formula of ‘Unity’, which is free from poverty and social inequalities, a great India, which is fully disciplined and full of work skills, which is distinguished by ideological, religious and spiritual values.
Cherishing the memory of Bharat Ratna Shri Rajiv Gandhi will not only be a ritual but also a tribute to the dream he had for a new, capable and prosperous India.
(The author has been Minister of State for Defense Production, Personnel and Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India)